
This section describes the testing suite for binder. The testing suite has two implementations, both using the same set of tests located in the test subdirectory. The first implementation is located inside the script build-and-run-tests.py and is designed to be used for the builds inside the LLVM source tree. This implementation is briefly described above. The second implementation uses cmake/ctest and is used in the CI with the external LLVM installation. To configure this testing suite, use

cmake ...  -DBINDER_ENABLE_TEST=ON ...

Multiple python versions can be and should be used in parallel. The versions are set as a comma-separated list passed by the BINDER_TEST_PYTHON_VERSIONS option. The default list is 0,2,3. The Python version “0” corresponds to a “plain diff” of the output vs. reference. The versions of Python2/Python3 will be the first versions found by cmake, see https://cmake.org/cmake/help/latest/module/FindPython.html and https://cmake.org/cmake/help/latest/module/FindPython3.html for your cmake version. To use specific python versions one can use the following

cmake .... -DBINDER_TEST_PYTHON_VERSIONS=0,2.7.15,3.8.0,3.7.0 ...

The generated codes will be compiled and loaded using the corresponding interpreter. With an option -DBINDER_MOCK_TEST=ON one can mock the code generation by binder. In this case the reference codes will be used in the python tests.