
Binder provides two ways to supply configuration options: command-line and config file.

Command line options

--root-module specify name of generated Python root module. This name is also used as prefix for various Binder output files. Typically the following files will be generated: <root-module>.cpp, <root-module>.sources, <root-module>.modules.

--max-file-size specify maximum file size in bytes exceeding which Binder will split generated sources into multiple files.

--prefix name/path prefix for generated files.

--bind list of namespaces that need to binded. Works in conjunction with similar config file directives.

--skip list of namespaces that should be skipped. Works in conjunction with similar config file directives.

--config specify config file to use.

--single-file if specified instruct Binder to put generated sources into single large file. This might be useful for small projects.

--flat if specified instruct Binder to write generate code files into single directory. Generated files will be named as <root-module>.cpp, <root-module>_1.cpp, <root-module>_2.cpp, … etc.

--skip-line-number if specified prevents Binder from writing the line numbers in the comments to the generated code.

--bind-class-template-specialization specify if class-template-specialization should be bound by-default

--suppress-errors if the generated bindings codes are correct but there are some fatal errors from clang and you want to get rid of them. This situation can happen when you would like to generate binding codes for a small part of a huge project and the you cannot include all the required header files with -I to the command.

--include-pybind11-stl “if specified bindings for STL classes in <pybind11/stl.h> will be used instead of generating custom STL bindings. Note, STL bindings may be overkill and have potential preformance implications if data does not need to be copied between C++ and python. For more information, see pybind11 STL documentation.

--annotate-includes [debug] if specified Binder will comment each include with type name which trigger it inclusion.

--trace [debug] if specified instruct Binder to add extra debug output before binding each type. This might be useful when debugging generated code that produce seg-faults during python import.

Config file options

Config file is text file containing either comment-line (starts with #) or directive line started with either + or - signs followed by a directive’s name and optional parameters. Some directives will accept only the + while others could be used with both prefixes.

Config file directives:

  • namespace, specify if functions/classes/enums from particular namespace should be bound. Could be used with both + and - prefixes. This directive works recursively so for example if you specify +namespace root and later -namespace root::a then all objects in root will be bound with exception of root::a and its descendants.
-namespace boost
+namespace utility
  • enum, specify if particular enum should be bound. Purpose of this directive is to allow developer to cherry-pick particular enum from otherwise binded/skipped namespaces and mark it for binding/skipping.
-enum utility::pointer::State
+enum protocols::CDR_Type
  • class, specify if particular class/struct should be bound. Purpose of this directive is to allow developer to cherry-pick particular class from otherwise binded/skipped namespaces and mark it for binding/skipping.
-class utility::pointer::ReferenceCount
-class std::__weak_ptr
  • field, specify if a particular field should be bound.
-field MyClass::some_field
  • python_builtin, specify if particular class/struct should be considered a python builtin and assume existing bindings for it already exist. The purpose of this directive is to allow developer to allow developers to toggle if bindings for types like std::optional or pybind11::dict should be generated, or if binder should assume such bindings already exist somewhere else. Alternatively, a developer could declare a type as not-builtin if they would prefer to force binder to generate bindings for it. Note that removing a builtin (-python_builtin abc) always overrides everything else (such as adding a builtin via +python_builtin abc).
-python_builtin std::less
+python_builtin std::vector
  • function, specify if particular function should be bound. This could be used for both template and normal function.
-function ObjexxFCL::FArray<std::string>::operator-=
-function core::id::swap
  • include, directive to control C++ include directives. Force Binder to either skip adding particular include into generated source files (- prefix) or force Binder to always add some include files into each generated file. Normally Binder could automatically determine which C++ header files is needed in order to specify type/functions but in some cases it might be useful to be able to control this process. For example forcing some includes is particularly useful when you want to provide custom-binder-functions with either +binder or +add_on_binder directives.
-include <boost/format/internals.hpp>
+include <python/PyRosetta/binder/stl_binders.hpp>
  • include_for_class, directive to control C++ include directives on a per-class basis. Force Binder to add particular include into generated source files when a given target class is present. This allows the inclusion of custom binding code, which may then be referenced with either +binder or +add_on_binder directives.
+include_for_class example::class <example/class_binding.hpp>
  • include_for_namespace, directive to control C++ include directives on a per-namespace basis. Force Binder to add particular include into generated source files when generating bindings for specified namespace. This allows the inclusion of custom binding code, which may then be referenced with either +binder, +add_on_binder, binder_for_namespace or add_on_binder_for_namespace directives.
+include_for_namespace aaaa::bbbb <aaaa/bbbb/namespace_binding.hpp>
  • binder, specify custom binding function for particular concrete or template class. In the example below all specializations of template std::vector will be handled by binder::vector_binder function. For template classes binder function should be a template function taking the same number of types as original type and having the following type signature: pybind11 module, then std::string for each template argument provided. So for std::vector it will be:
template <typename T, class Allocator>
vector_binder(pybind11::module &m, std::string const &name, std::string const & /*allocator name*/) {...}
  • +add_on_binder, similar to binder: specify custom binding function for class/struct that will be called after Binder generated code bound it. This allow developer to create extra bindings for particular type (bind special Python methods, operators, etc.) The expected type signature of specified function should be void f(pybind11::class_<T, std::shared_ptr<T> > &)
+binder std::vector my_binders::vector_binder
+binder std::map    my_binders::map_binder

+add_on_binder numeric::xyzVector rosetta_binders::xyzVector_add_on_binder
  • +binder_for_namespace, similar to binder: specify custom binding function for namespace. Call to specified function will be generated _instead_ of generating bindings for namaspace. Where expected type signature of specified function should be void f(pybind11::module &)
+binder_for_namespace aaaa binder_for_namespace_aaaa
  • +add_on_binder_for_namespace, similar to add_on_binder: specify custom binding function for namespace that will be called before Binder generated code bound it. This allow developer to create extra bindings for particular namespace.
+add_on_binder_for_namespace aaaa::bbbb binder_for_namespace_aaaa_bbbb
  • default_static_pointer_return_value_policy, specify return value policy for static functions returning pointer to objects. Default is pybind11::return_value_policy::automatic.
  • default_static_lvalue_reference_return_value_policy, specify return value policy for static functions returning l-value reference. Default is pybind11::return_value_policy::automatic.
  • default_static_rvalue_reference_return_value_policy, specify return value policy for static functions returning r-value reference. Default is pybind11::return_value_policy::automatic.
  • default_member_pointer_return_value_policy, specify return value policy for member functions returning pointer to objects. Default is pybind11::return_value_policy::automatic.
  • default_member_lvalue_reference_return_value_policy, specify return value policy for member functions returning l-value reference. Default is pybind11::return_value_policy::automatic.
  • default_member_rvalue_reference_return_value_policy, specify return value policy for member functions returning r-value reference. Default is pybind11::return_value_policy::automatic.
  • default_call_guard, optionally specify a call guard applied to all function definitions. See pybind11 documentation. Default None.
+default_member_pointer_return_value_policy           pybind11::return_value_policy::reference
+default_member_lvalue_reference_return_value_policy  pybind11::return_value_policy::reference_internal
+default_member_rvalue_reference_return_value_policy  pybind11::return_value_policy::move
+default_call_guard pybind11::gil_scoped_release
  • +custom_shared: specify a custom shared pointer class that Binder should use instead of std::shared_ptr.
  • module_local_namespace: use to add (or remove) the extra argument module_local to the pybind11 classes and enum of a namespace. This option can be used for all the namaspaces of a given project using +module_local_namespace @all_namespaces.
+module_local_namespace @all_namespaces
-module_local_namespace std
  • trampoline_member_function_binder: use to specify a custom trampoline member function defined by the user in a given header file
+include_for_class aaa::A <T81.custom_trampoline_with_args.include>
+trampoline_member_function_binder aaa::A::foo myFoo
+smart_holder example::class
  • pybind11_include_file: use to specify which header file of pybind11 should be included. The header pybind11/pybind11.h is used by default.
+pybind11_include_file pybind11/smart_holder.h