Binder Limitations

This section lists some of binder’s more prominent limitations.

External Operators

Unlike C++, which allows operators to be defined outside of classes and redefined across different namespaces, python requires operators be member functions and thus lacks the ability to choose which overload to use based on context. In line with this, binder will only bind (most) C++ operators if they are member functions (i.e. they cannot be defined externally).

These operators include, but are not necessarily limited to:

operator~ (__invert__)

operator+ (__add__)
operator- (__sub__)
operator* (__mul__)
operator/ (__div__)
operator% (__mod__)

operator& (__and__)
operator| (__or__)
operator^ (__xor__)
operator<< (__lshift__)
operator>> (__rshift__)

operator+= (__iadd__)
operator-= (__isub__)
operator*= (__imul__)
operator/= (__idiv__)
operator%= (__imod__)

operator&= (__iand__)
operator|= (__ior__)
operator^= (__ixor__)
operator<<= (__ilshift__)
operator>>= (__irshift__)

operator() (__call__)
operator== (__eq__)
operator!= (__ne__)
operator[] (__getitem__)
operator= (assign)
operator++ (plus_plus)
operator-- (minus_minus)

Ignored Operators

The following operators will be ignored by binder:

// Logical

// Cast to T
explicit operator T()
operator T()

// Misc


  1. User defined literals operator"" _foo end up being named as operator_foo.